Thursday, October 20, 2011

Essential Work

Recently my boss asked me for my 2012 goals. I jotted down a long list and then set about some criteria for narrowing them down. Thought you might find helpful...

  1. What Matters? Of all the things you could do to fill your calendar, what are the few things that truly matter. Things that will drive the business ahead when accomplished. (In my experience, these should be directly linked to growing revenue or profit.)

  2. What Can Only I Do? What are the things that only I have sole responsibility for? If I don't do them, they won't get done. (Hey, do they matter?)

  3. What Will Likely Not Happen Unless I Engage? What are the important initiatives in your organization that need leadership, need a champion, need someone to embrace and own. If you don't step up (or someone), they will likely still be stuck a year from now. (These will likely be a lot of work, I'd suggest you be passionate about them and don't take on too many)

  4. What Can I Do That Will Make Me More Effective in 6 Months? A year from now is too far away, 90 days seems to short, but 6 months is enough time to make significant progress at some self improvement idea. (Time management skills? Digital competency? Education? Healthier lifestyle? Community involvement? Team building? Mentoring/coaching? Reading list?)

  5. How Much Can I Reasonably Do and Still Find Some Balance? First, be realistic in what you can get done. Accomplishing things usually results from focus. That said, you also have to make time for a healthy life beyond work. Every study points to the reality that all work and no play leads to dull work and low pay. (In the long run, quality trumps quantity and you have to recharge to produce quality work. It's an age old trap for the ambitious.)

We all get distracted and pulled into non-essential work, but it's the essential work that defines our careers. What boss can argue with a focusing and accomplishing essential projects that move the business ahead in leaps?

What do you think?

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