Friday, January 2, 2015


It’s so easy to buy into a creative formula or stereotype.   To look for shortcuts in past equities or to borrow from other categories or the style du jour.  There’s safety in familiarity…. but pilgrim… that is the path to creative boredom and destruction.

This type of marketing is so easily dismissed by the audience.  And long term, it just does not work because it’s not founded in your brand’s truth.  It’s founded in envy or laziness.

We seek to disrupt.  We seek to be the original not a copycat.  Differentiation is not found in formulas or stereotypes or creative shortcuts.  It’s not borrowed.  It’s not enough to look like everybody else so we fit in ...we have to look like who we are and stand out.  To be relevant, but different.

We don’t have enough money to make boring creative; to run expected marketing campaigns.  Study the competition to AVOID their creative techniques.  Be different, be better.

This is hard work.  Actually it’s much harder work.  And while I have strayed the path from time to time... in 2015... I recommit to this vision.

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